1. The Breakdown: Teeth are a sign of strength and vitality, they are used to break down our food into manageable, bite-size pieces. We also use them to smile, communicate and attract a partner. They are certainly not something you want to lose. That’s why when you see them falling out in a dream, it’s a HUGE warning to pay attention!
2. Development: Teeth are one of the greatest symbols for human beings. They are connected with many key parts of our development and that is why they make such a potent dream image. It starts with infancy… When we are born, we have no teeth and a huge sign of maturity is when their child starts to grow teeth. Parents celebrate this achievement with much excitement, showing their family and friends how proud they are of their little one. It symbolizes the transition from suckling at mother’s breast to eating adult foods. This is a sign for our own personal and psychological development and how we move from childlike thinking to adult-like thinking.
As we continue to grow, we lose our baby teeth and gain adult teeth, a signal of puberty and sexual maturity. This is why Sigmund Freud believed that teeth were a phallic symbol. He believed that teeth in these types of dreams represented our ability to bring our own ideas and goals into fruition in our waking life.
Finally, as we reach the end of our life, our teeth begin to fall out again as we move into a less energetic state and pass on our wisdom to others. In this sense, the teeth falling out represents the passing on of our strength to the next generation.
3. TLDR; The Answer: Teeth represent our strength and our ability to break down life’s problems into bite-size pieces. If you see your teeth falling out in a dream, you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed and experiencing a sense of loss because you do not feel capable of handling what life is throwing at you.
* That being said! There is also a literal interpretation of this dream. Many people will dream of their teeth falling out when they have poor dental hygiene. If you are losing teeth or have bad teeth in waking life, you are very likely to dream about that at night!
4. Key Questions: Now this can be for many reasons.
- Do you feel overwhelmed by home life or work life?
- Are you aging and struggling to accept this transition?
- Are you feeling a sense of loss because an important relationship is ending or being torn away from you?
- Are you feeling inadequate when it comes to your appearance and ability to communicate?
Take some time and reflect on what you are experiencing in life right now. If your dream is showing you this image, you might be avoiding something that is very important.
5. “What do I do?”: Take courage! Grow your confidence and self-esteem, you CAN handle this. It may not have the perfect outcome, and it may be challenging, but you have everything it takes to make your way in this world! You just have to believe in yourself like I believe in you 😉❤️