1.As soon as you wake up, 🚫don’t🚫check social media, your calendar, email or text messages. These precious first 10 minutes after waking up are when 90% of dreams are forgotten! Instead, take a deep breath and allow the images and memories of your dream to fill your mind. This takes consistent practice and is the difference between people who “don’t” dream and those who unlock the true potential of their minds. Make this as much of a habit as your morning cup of coffee or going to the gym! Ten minutes is not a lot of time, but the valuable insight you can get out of it is life changing!
2. ✍️ Write down EVERYTHING you can remember from your dream. No filter, no correcting, typos, misspellings, confusing words and all! It is absolutely critical that you do not let your conscious mind filter or censor any of your dream content. If you do, your conscious mind can sabotage and warp the true meaning of your dream.
3.⚡ Pull out all the nouns from the story and write them separately. Then, for each noun, say it out loud and think of the first 3 – 5 words that come to your mind. No censorship, no filter, just whatever pops into your head right away. This will allow your subconscious mind to share with you what the true meaning of each word is. Usually the first one or two associations are what you are “supposed” to think. But by the time you get to word number 3 – 5, your mind shows you the true emotional connection.
4. 🤔 Once you have the associated words written down, pick one (or maybe two) that resonate with you the most for each noun and circle or highlight them. You will need them for later 😉
5.🫀 Then, underline or highlight all the emotions you notice in your dream. If you forgot to write down the emotions you felt in the story, take a moment to write down what the overall theme or feeling was for your dream in a separate area. Also be sure to note any changes in your emotions or feelings at each stage of the dream.
6.✨ Finally, it’s time to bring it all together for the grand reveal! Rewrite your dream but substitute the associated words for the nouns in the dream and add the emotions that were felt along the way. You may be REALLY surprised to find how easy it is to start seeing the true meaning come together. 🧩
Try this method tonight and send me a reply with your dream story! All dreams are private and only read by me. But if you would like to be featured in the next email, you can let me know and I’d be happy to share it!